FiraCalp 2024
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Friday, 13 September, 2019 - 14:00


- 10:00 - 14:00. Info point of the campaign "Nature without plastics" of the NGO WWF. Lugar: Plaza del Mediterráneo (La Fossa Beach)

- 16:00 I Meeting of the Colles de Xirimers. Place: Plaza Mayor

- 18:00 - 21:00. Plastic workshop on board the WWF ship. Location: Real Club Náutico de Calpe.

- 18:30 hrs. Cinema: "It. Capítulo 2" (in English). Location: Cinema Calpe

- 10:30 p.m.: Cinema: "It. Capítulo 2" Location: Cinema Calpe



Friday, 13 September, 2019 - 09:30

From 15 to 22 September, the Councils for Citizen Participation, Sport, Trade and the Environment will celebrate European Mobility Week, a celebration coordinated by the Ministry for Ecological Change to raise awareness of the negative consequences of the irrational use of cars and the benefits of using sustainable means of transport such as public transport or cycling.

Thursday, 12 September, 2019 - 14:15

The NGO WWF reaches Calpe with its campaign "Nature without plastic" and the "WWF Solar" boat. From September 14th to 16th the boat will go on excursions from the Club Naútico de Calpe to collect as much plastic as possible.

WWF Solar is a 14 metre long catamaran, and will be powered exclusively by photovoltaic solar panels and accumulators. The boat holds the Guinness world record as the first solar ship to cross the Atlantic Ocean in 2007.

Thursday, 12 September, 2019 - 12:45

The current storm has left damage on the Levante beach: the showers for feet have been torn away and the accesses to the beach have been damaged.

Thursday, 12 September, 2019 - 12:15

The Colla de Xirimiters el Carellot from Calpe celebrates its 20th anniversary with a meeting of 200 xirimiters and tabaleters from various places in the Valencia region in Calpe.

The meeting starts at 16:00 in the Plaza Mayor. At 17:00, a street procession of all participating groups will start moving. At 18:30 there will be a performance of "Danzas y Muixeranga", at 20:00 the group "Soca en Arrel" and at 22:30 the "Orquesta Juan" will perform.

Wednesday, 11 September, 2019 - 11:30

The city of Calpe will participate in the activities of the Plataforma Feminista de Alicante planned for 20 September, aimed at condemning and raising awareness of the increase in male assaults and feminicides in July and August.

In the plenary session last Monday, the association "Mujeres por la Igualdad" presented a proposal for all political groups in the city council to join the initiative of the "Plataforma Feminista de Alicante". The proposal was adopted unanimously.

Tuesday, 10 September, 2019 - 13:30

At its meeting yesterday afternoon, the Plenum of the city decided in a 4-hour session to debate the proposal of the People's Party and to ask the Ministry of Industry to amend the Explosives Ordinance with regard to Arkebusen.

The Explosives Ordinance 130/2017, adopted in March 2017 by its Instrucción Técnica Complementaria, introduces important innovations that drastically affect the handling of Arkebusen, celebrated in numerous cities such as the Feast of Moros y Cristianos of Calpe.

The regulation affects three aspects:

Monday, 9 September, 2019 - 14:30

A total of 2850 pupils from primary, middle, secondary and special schools began the 2018-2019 school year in Calpe today.

This year, 157 children are enrolled in the Silene d'Ifac kindergarten, 519 in the second cycle, 1,145 in primary school, 719 in secondary school, 158 in secondary school, 45 in basic vocational training, 40 in intermediate vocational training and 67 in special school. Enrolment is possible throughout the year, so these figures may vary.
