Taller Prevención de Incendios Forestales 2024
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Thursday, 6 August, 2020 - 11:30

The Calp Town Council has again organised guided tours of the Roman site of the Banys de la Reina every Tuesday from 11 August to 29 September. These are free visits by archaeologist Alicia Luján, who will explain the history and importance of this site to all those present.


To take part in these visits, it is necessary to register at the tourist offices. Groups of 20 people will be organised, who will have to keep a safe distance and wear a mask. The visits last one hour and start at Molí del Morelló.


Thursday, 6 August, 2020 - 10:15

Esplai Park of Calp, a new space for sports and leisure activities in the municipality, opens its doors today at 18.00. The 5,400 square metre infrastructure is located in the former Miguel Angel Benitez company facilities and includes an ice rink, an area for "parkour" practice and one for "skate park" to practice "skate boarding". The S`ortplatz also has a green area for the practice of Yoga, Zumba and sports with equipment.


Thursday, 6 August, 2020 - 08:30


31-year-old resident of Calp dies in work accident in Valencia


73-year-old bather dies on Calp beach



Gata de Gorgos and Calp put culture back on their balconies



31-year-old resident of Calp dies in work accident in Valencia


73-year-old bather dies on Fossa beach in Calp


Tuesday, 4 August, 2020 - 08:15


"Micro-concerts" on the balconies of Calp



"Micro-concerts" on the balconies of Calp



Calp closes overcrowding beaches next to which new homes are planned



The plenum of the town council decides to award the Calp de Jaume Pastor i Fluxá Prize to the Calp de Jaume Health Centre


Monday, 3 August, 2020 - 11:30

The Calp plenary session on Friday unanimously decided to award the Jaume Pastor i Fluixà - 9 d'Octubre Prize to the Calp Health Centre this year. This is to pay tribute to the work of the Centre's staff and the unconditional commitment of all its professionals, doctors, nurses, assistants and other health professionals who have helped the citizens of Calp during this pandemic.

The plenary session also approved the other awards to be presented on Valencia Regional Day:

Monday, 3 August, 2020 - 10:00

Culture, art and music return to the streets of Calp. While "Art al carrer" was inaugurated at the beginning of July with various artistic activities in the streets of the old town of the municipality, it is now the turn of music.

Under the title "Art al balcó", a tour with micro-performances by the municipality's musical groups is held on the balconies of the historic centre throughout the month of August, organised by the Cultural Department.

Monday, 3 August, 2020 - 08:45


After four years of isolation, the Marina Alta is switching to the train



After four years without operation, the TRAM returns to Teulada and Benissa



Kitschy art in the shops of the Marina



Sala insists that the two "Quintas" celebrate together, and the PSOE Socialists complain that there are religious celebrations this year


Friday, 31 July, 2020 - 16:15
Ana Sala

Very important dates are approaching for everyone. Under normal circumstances, as Mayor of Calp, I would turn to you all to congratulate the visitors to our local festivals and to invite the people of Calp and those who visit us to some days of meeting, celebration and fun.


My congratulations go out to you, and I would especially like to encourage the 2020 Festival Committee for all its efforts, its infinite patience and understanding, and for its great work and dedication throughout the year to the task of organizing the best possible festival.

