Comercio Local - Campaña Feliz día del Padre
Renueva tu DNI
Tuesday, 11 March, 2025 - 13:00

The Plenary Session of Calpe Town Council will initially approve the regulations for the use of the municipal swimming pool which establishes the rules for the use of and access to the sports facilities for the public. The aim of these regulations is to optimise the use of the swimming pool, guarantee safety and promote the practice of sport among the population.


The regulations establish a series of mandatory rules that affect the general use of the facilities, the services offered, the supervised activities and the swimming courses. Among the measures included are the rules of access, the conditions for registration in activities, and a protocol for the use of the facilities.


The regulations cover, for example, the use of changing rooms and lockers, which will be available to users on payment of a deposit of 1 euro, which will be returned once they have been used. There are also rules for minors, who must be accompanied by an adult if they are under 9 years old.


Regarding swimming courses at different levels and for different age groups, the regulations govern the ‘ratio’ for each class. Thus, for example, in the case of the course for 3 to 5-year-olds, the number of pupils per instructor will range from 4 to 8. In the case of free swimming, the maximum duration of each session will be 60 minutes.


To guarantee the safe use of the facilities, certain behaviours are prohibited, such as eating in the bathing areas or the use of materials not related to bathing. Furthermore, in order to offer the service to as many users as possible and to ensure that reservations are actually used, the third non-use of the reservation without just cause, and without being cancelled sufficiently in advance, will result in the inability to make reservations for activities during the following week.


The proposed regulation will be subject to a 30-day public information period, during which citizens may submit allegations and suggestions. In the event that no allegations are submitted, the regulation will be considered definitively approved and will be published in the Official Gazette of the Province of Alicante.


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