II Jornadas Ética e Integridad en la Contratación Pública
Encuesta sobre proyectos para Planes EDIL
Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Friday, 31 May, 2019 - 11:45

The new CEE Gargasindi Special Education School building will be located on the same site as the current building. After months of studying the various possibilities, last week the City Council completely changed its request to the regional government under the Plan Edificant, so that the economic report now says  "Construction / rehabilitation with extension of land and demolition of existing buildings" instead of "New construction at another location".




The current facilities of the Gargasindi Special Education School are not sufficient to meet the needs of this educational community; in 2017 the City Council offered the Ministry of Education two possible locations to continue with the replacement of this centre. At the time, the city council offered the 3,600 m2 plot next to the Silene d'Ifac primary school school and a 2,610 m2 plot (the former Virgen de las Nieves primary school) next to the current Gargasindi Special Education School facilities, so that the total area of the facilities would reach 5,055 square metres.


After an analysis of the possibilities and at the request of the school management, it was decided that the school should remain in its current location and supplement the facilities of the old primary school, whose buildings were to be demolished. After the City Council had sent the financial report by the technical services of the City Council to the Ministry of Education, the Regional Government requested that the title of the application be changed. Now the certificate of the plenary agreement has been sent to the regional government, which will approve the transfer of powers at the beginning of the tender procedure for the draft project for the new school.


In fact, alternatives have already been sought for the temporary resettlement of pupils in the event that work begins. Gargasindi Special Education School of Calpe was founded in September 1980 as a school for children with serious and constant educational needs in the Marina Alta region. Over the years and in order to meet the needs of the region, the students of Marina Baixa have also been integrated. The school has about 80 students with very different special and permanent educational need.