Comercio Local - Campaña Feliz día del Padre
Renueva tu DNI
Tuesday, 28 May, 2019 - 12:45

The opening of a new bridge over the Pou Roig gorge will change the municipality's road network once and for all, as it will relieve road traffic on Avenida Ejércitos Españoles and connect the sports area with Avenida Rumanía.


The works for the passage and the construction over the Pou Roig gorge and on the Avenida País Valencià cost a total of € 394.703, of which € 344.993 were contributed by the Diputación Provincial and € 39,710.23 by the Calpe City Council.

The project essentially envisages the extension west of the Avenida Pais Valencià to the junction with the Avenida de Rumania, bridging the Pou Roig Gorge by the insertion of 2 parallel sections of 40.00 linear metres of prefabricated concrete frames of 4.00 x 2.00 metres, capable of allowing the calculated flow rate of 117.85 m³/sec.   The works include the construction of footpaths, lighting, gardening and railings to protect the passage. With these works it will be possible to connect the sports and school areas and avoid the traffic jams in summer.

In addition to this connection point between the city centre and the beach area, a 6,000 square metre car park with a capacity for 230 vehicles was also created. This work, consisting of paving, canalisation and fencing, costs €354,082.