Comercio Local - Campaña Feliz día del Padre
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Tuesday, 14 May, 2019 - 11:30

Fira Calp, the gastronomy and trade fair of the city, opens its doors on Thursday on the Plaza Mayor. It is organised by the City Council, Creama-Calpe, the Sabor a Calpe Hotel and Catering Association and the AEMCO Shopkeepers' Association, with the participation of the Fishing Guild and the 2019 Festival Commission.

The fair, which celebrates its eleventh edition, will host this year 20 booths with restaurants, cafés and cocktails and will also strengthen its commercial side with the participation of 10 shops exhibiting their products.

The catering trade will offer a greater number of `Tapas´, between four and five per booth, which will be offered at low prices ranging from 1 to 4 Euros. The fishing guild, for its part, will promote the traditional Peix de Calp dishes at the fair, offering traditional recipes with fish from the bay.

The 2019 Festival Commissionwill also participate in FiraCalp selling the drinks: Beer, non-alcoholic drinks and water; the profits made will go to the organisation of this year's festivities in honour of the patron saint.

At the same time, activities such as music and dance performances, book signing, a car exhibition, tapas competition, Zumba and Flamenco and urban dance performances, etc., will take place. There will also be children's entertainment every day from 7 pm to 11 pm. This year there will be a solidarity haircut as a novelty. Those interested can have their hair cut on Sunday, 19 September, from 11 a.m., at a price of 8 €. The proceeds will go to CEE Gargasindi and the Centro Ocupacional Maite Boronat, two therapy centres.

The fair, organised by the Commerce and Tourism City Councillor, Creama and Tourism, the Sabor a Calpe Hotel and Restaurant Association and the Calpe Business Association, will open its doors on 16 May at 19:00 until Sunday. Last year, the fair attracted 12,000 visitors over the four days.