Bono Consumo Calp 2024
El Cascanueces - Ballet de la Ópera Nacional de Rumania
Hagamos crecer nuestro pueblo - Campaña Padrón 2024
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Tuesday, 16 March, 2021 - 14:00

As part of the project for the works at Club Social La Manzanera, which required an environmental assessment to be awarded, as the area is part of the Red Natura 2000 network, a colony of vertebrates was discovered in the area. It is an extraordinary mollusc, found in our province only in Cova Tallada in Xàbia, Tabarca and La Manzanera in Calp, and it lives in unique conditions between the surface and the water.

This species could be affected by the work on the Club Social breakwater. Therefore, given the need to preserve these colonies, the City Council has asked the Institute of Coastal Ecology to carry out a study on the exact geolocation of these animals.

This map would change the breakwater and Club Social project; in any case, the possibility of setting back the breakwater and the platform a few metres is a problem that the technicians believe can be overcome. Councillor Juan Manuel del Pino, said that "if the project change is not substantial, it would not be necessary to prepare and submit a new project and would also serve to continue the tender".

However, it is the Servicio de Vida Silvestre (Wildlife Department) that has to approve the map of the geolocation of the molluscs in order to continue with the further procedure. In addition, the city council is working against the clock, having just approved a new six-month extension until September 2021 to begin the work.

Juan Manuel del Pino says that "we are optimistic that we are trying to combine the cultural interest and the environmental interest; we are convinced that if necessary, the Coastal Service would grant a new extension because we are working on the restoration project". The Club Social La Manzanera restoration project has a line item of €585,525 in the municipal budget.

As for the La Manzanera coastal promenade project, with a budget of €680,750, which aims to make the area accessible, the works are waiting for a proper environmental impact assessment.

According to the mayor of the territory, "the works of the Club Social can proceed independently of the pedestrian bridge project, the rehabilitation of the Club Social is a priority because the more time passes, the more its condition deteriorates". There are also other options to facilitate access to the area: either a lift or other elements to save the cliff from the esplanade between the La Muralla Roja and Xanadu buildings." Del Pino insists that "it is important to protect an architectural landmark like the Club Social while marrying it with the environmental interests of the area".