Members of the municipal corporation as well as the citizens of Calpe celebrated LGTBI Pride Day yesterday afternoon in a festive and vindictive act. Somos Calpe councillor Pere Moll read a manifesto in which he pointed out the need for love "to prevail over hate and intolerance" and advocated for a normality "full of visibility, struggle, diversity and above all true freedom" in relation to the rights of the LGTBIQ+ collective.
Moll gave this speech from the balcony of the Town Hall, where a large rainbow flag was placed. This was followed by a march to Plaza Colón, where a second LGTBIQ+ flag was raised and a tour of the city was made on the tourist train.
In addition to these events and to commemorate this day, the façade of the Town Hall in Miguel Roselló square and the Casa Nova were illuminated in rainbow colours.