On the website of City Council you can find all information about the weather in Calpe. As soon as you visit the website, you will see a summary table with the most important meteorological information of the day, such as maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity, wind.... and the prediction of ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
You will find four sections at the top of the homepage:
- Forecast: You can see the weather forecast for today, tomorrow and the next days.
- Meteo: here you will find all data on temperature, humidity, precipitation...and the days you selected as graph. You can also get Pdf printouts of the graphics.
- Blog: Articles about the weather. Here you can find out what a "dry thunderstorm" or "granular snow" is.
- Left: here you find the links to the weather satellites, the radars and the lightning detectors.
Click on this link to access the weather information for the city of Calpe.