Taller Prevención de Incendios Forestales 2024
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Wednesday, 7 February, 2024 - 11:15

Calpe Town Council has launched this week a survey that covers aspects such as general health status, lifestyle and health concerns in order to identify and find out which health problems are of most concern to citizens and which they consider to be a priority. The initiative is part of the diagnosis "I Strategic Plan for Health Protection of the municipality of Calpe (2024-2028)".


 The questionnaire, which is completed anonymously, consists of questions about the sex and age range of the respondent. Thus, citizens can select their answer to deal with aspects such as the lack of support for carers, the parenting process, eating habits, physical activity, use of screens, mental health or personal relationships. At the end there is a section for each participant to highlight the needs of the municipality to be healthier.


 With all the responses received, the Council aims to have a diagnosis of the most important problems identified by the population on issues related to or with an influence on the configuration of public health in the municipality. The data collected will allow us to know which services and policies are most important to reinforce in order to improve the health of the population and make Calpe a healthier environment.


Based on this sampling and other activities that will be launched to gather public opinion through groups and entities, the new lines of action of the Strategic Plan for Health Protection of the municipality of Calpe will be drawn up. The survey will be active until 31 March. Over the next few months, the link to access the survey will be publicised to achieve maximum citizen participation.


This is the link to the survey:
