Bono Comercio Calp 2024
Plan DTI Calpe: Encuesta Visitantes y Turistas
Bono Baby 2024
IX Concurso de Pintura al Aire Libre
Wednesday, 5 February, 2020 - 14:00

Calp City Council has reduced the average payment period to its suppliers to 3.03 days in the last quarter of 2019. This is the best figure since the beginning of the historical series, in the third quarter of 2014, as can be seen from a report by the Departamento de Intervención (Treasury Department).

The city takes an average of 3.03 days to pay its suppliers, thus not only complying with the delay rules that oblige public administrations to pay in less than 30 days, but also reducing them considerably. In fact, this deadline reached 44.85 days in the third quarter of 2015 and 1,000 days in 2011.

This data leads to greater confidence of companies and suppliers in the City Council, is a guarantee of solvency and a guarantee for companies and businesses that work with the City Council. It also means greater competition among bidders for public contracts and therefore a greater variety of offers and services.