Taller Prevención de Incendios Forestales 2024
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Wednesday, 8 July, 2020 - 10:15

Calp's tourism department has again launched a national tourism campaign on Mupis in subway and train stations and on billboards with the slogan "The time is ripe. The destination: Calpe" launched

This year the promotion focuses on Madrid, Valencia, Murcia and the cities of Castilla La Mancha and Castilla y León, where the national tourist, who traditionally spends his holidays in Calp, comes from. The campaign will also be present in the main metro and railway stations in Madrid and Valencia.

Wednesday, 8 July, 2020 - 08:00

Here you can read all news about Calp that appeared in the media:


Calp organizes guided tours through the old town in different languages



Calp helps women entrepreneurs affected by the health crisis with more than 83,000 euros



Help in Calp for entrepreneurs and enterprises with less than 3 years



Tuesday, 7 July, 2020 - 12:00

Calp Town Council is organising free guided tours of its old town until 4 September, a great opportunity to discover part of the town's history as well as some very charming spots: the Forat a la Mar, part of the old wall and gateway to the Moorish quarter, the Torreó de la Peça, the old defence of the town, or the picturesque Plaça dels Mariners, next to the Fishermen's Guild, which pays tribute to Calp's seafaring roots.

Tuesday, 7 July, 2020 - 10:00

The Calp Town Council, through a grant from the Alicante Provincial Council, has created a new line of assistance for businesses run by women and for businesses not older than three years affected by the COVID 19 crisis. The first approval of this aid will be debated during the ordinary July plenary session, which will take place next Monday 13 July.

Tuesday, 7 July, 2020 - 08:45

Here you can read all news about Calp that appeared in the media



A judge is investigating whether a member of the Guardia Civil received money from the drug ring that kidnapped two of its members


The best backdrops in Alicante for your Instagram photos



Monday, 6 July, 2020 - 08:45

Here you can read all news about Calp that appeared in the media:



A dangerous drug dealer gang, based in the Marina Alta, arrested



Arrest of a drug dealer gang working out of La Marina


The tide determines the opening of Calalga Bay in Calp



Twelve of the thirteen high schools in the Marina Alta exceed the maximum number of students for the next school year


Thursday, 2 July, 2020 - 14:00

This morning the governing body of Calp beaches met and agreed to reopen Calalga Bay next Saturday with restrictions. Given the special nature of this cove, which has more or less sand depending on the tide, it will not always be possible to keep the safety distance, and this will depend on whether it remains open. In the same week, the Morelló cove was opened. Both coves will have lifeguards and inspectors.

Thursday, 2 July, 2020 - 13:15

Starting tomorrow, July 3rd, the two tourist information offices in Calp will open, as is customary every summer: one on Arenal-Bol beach (in Plaza Colón) and the other on La Fossa beach (on the promenade, near Plaza Mediterráneo). This is to enhance the tourist services offered by the tourist offices in Plaza del Mosquit and the salt flats during the summer season.
