II Jornadas Ética e Integridad en la Contratación Pública
Encuesta sobre proyectos para Planes EDIL
Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Thursday, 30 January, 2025 - 09:30

Friday 31st:


Exhibition ‘Aires de mujer’ by Noelia Lillo and Encarna González. Until 28 February. In the Exhibition Hall of the Ajuntament Vell.


Exhibition ‘Marinant Estellés. Landscapes, poems and voices of the Marina Alta’. Until 10th February. Exhibition Hall of the Ajuntament Vell.



Saturday, 1st:


10 h – Tree Day of the Valencian Community. Meeting point: recreational area of the Oltà mountain range. Registration.

16 h – Graffiti workshop organised by the Youth Club. Skate Park.

8 pm - Concert ‘Remembering Nino’ by the CLAUdeFA Music Band of Calpe. Free admission. Auditorium.


Exhibition ‘Aires de mujer’ by Noelia Lillo and Encarna González. Until 28 February. In the Exhibition Hall of the Ajuntament Vell.


Exhibition ‘Marinant Estellés. Landscapes, poems and voices of the Marina Alta’. Until 10th February. Exhibition Hall of the Ajuntament Vell.


Sunday, 2nd:


10 am – World Wetlands Day: Interpretive route through the salt flats. Meeting point on the esplanade of the salt flats. Registration.

11 am – Free guided tours of the historic centre of Calpe. Compulsory registration on 965836920 / 965 83 85 32 / turismo@ajCalpe.es. Maximum 25 people per group. Meeting point: Casa de Cultura.

5 pm – Hip-hop club: rap session III. Youth Club (Punt Jove - plaza de la Constitución).